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About us... The
Orthodox Christian Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Concord,
NH celebrated its first Vigil and Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the
Dormition of our Lady, the Theotokos, August 15/28, 1981. The clergy
and laity of the parish place themselves under the mighty protection of
the most holy Mother of God (in Greek Theotokos).
At the time
the first Liturgy was celebrated, the church was a small temple
occupying a room just 12 x 15 feet on the first floor of the priest's
house. With the growth of the parish and after much struggle and
prayer, the present building was purchased in June of 1993.
In 2012, the Dormition of the Theotokos Orthodox Church became a member of the Eparchial Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of America
(GOC of America), presided by Demetrios, the Metropolitan of
America. The GOC of America is an autonomous eparchy of the Church
of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, presided by His
Beatitude, Kallinikos, Archbishop of Athens.
The Dormition of
the Theotokos parish is comprised of families from English, Greek,
Russian, French, Italian, and German descent, with many converts to the
Orthodox faith.
* Services are conducted primarily in English, though Greek and Russian are used by request.
are always welcome to our services and a community meal is held each
Sunday and on feast days immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
* Should you wish to receive the Mystery of Holy Communion, please contact Father Andrew in advance.
The full
yearly cycle of Orthodox Christian services are celebrated according to
the Traditional Ecclesiastical (Julian) calendar. Matins and the Divine
Liturgy is celebrated each and every Sunday and on major feast days.
Great Vespers is served on Saturday evenings and the evening before a
great feast. Please see our schedule for more information about future services.
About the Julian CalendarOur services follow the
Julian Calendar. We do not participate in ecumenical associations. As
members of the Church, we worship in the:
"...House of God, which is the
Church of the living God, the PILLAR AND GROUND OF THE TRUTH." (Tim
defines the Church as the "Pillar and Ground of the Truth". Thus
we find this to be clear, that the myriad of Churches with conflicting
dogmas, cannot be the "Pillar of Truth". As there is but one truth there can be only one Church.
the Church Calendar, to an Orthodox Christian, the Calendar of the
Church directs much of their life. According to the Church Calendar,
they know when to fast, when to prepare for major Feast Days
(holidays), when to celebrate the Feast Days and for how long (Feasts
in the Church often extend for 7 days, though Pascha is celebrated for
forty days). The life of the Orthodox Christian is one of
anticipation for the start of the next Fast and of joyous
celebration that follows.
Much has been written concerning the
change of the Church's liturgical calendar and the great disruption and
turmoil it has caused. If you are interested to learn more about
the change of the Church calendar, contact us and we can suggest
additional resources.
have provided an edifying collection of articles concerning the
Orthodox Christian faith and hope you will profit spiritually and